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  • Epsom Salt

    Epsom Salt


    Rs.100.00 / Kg


    Product Description:

      Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound made up of magnesium and sulfate. It is commonly used in gardening.


         It helps in growing healthy leaves.


         Add 2 grams of salt to one liter of water.

    Direction of use:

         Foliar spray to the leaves and also spray around the roots.

    Application tips:

         Use protective gloves, if you are allergic to salts.

    Storage tips:

         1. Don't keep under direct sunlight.

          2. Store in a cool dry place.

          3. Keep out of children's reach.

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    - Jacob
    Thanks SPS for this product!I had used Epsom salt in my plants and see clear difference in green lush plants must buy by every plant parents

    - Ragini

    - Madhu
    Nice product

    Attribute Content Qty.Count Price / Qty
    , 1 Kg 1 100.00

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    - Jacob
    Thanks SPS for this product!I had used Epsom salt in my plants and see clear difference in green lush plants must buy by every plant parents

    - Ragini

    - Madhu
    Nice product

    Attribute Content Qty.Count Price / Qty
    , 1 Kg 1 100.00